Tuesday, March 4, 2014


In just another 8.5 hours I'll be on a plane to Detroit--flying west so I can get on another plane 4 hours later and fly east to North Carolina for this year's Operation Christmas Child Connect Conference.

Last year's conference was so huge and amazing but this year's will be totally different as it's geared especially for OCC Area Coordinators from around the country.

Now that I'm nearly ready I'm getting excited about getting there.  I have to admit, though, that I'm always a little apprehensive about these conferences.  I'm not a great traveler and I often don't sleep well which makes me easy prey for getting overwhelmed and discouraged at training conferences.

On the other hand, I don't think I'd still be serving as a volunteer if it were not for the 2011 Connect Conference.  I arrived there on the brink of defeat and God really spoke to me.  You can read my post about that conference here.

So as I've been anticipating this year's conference I have a team praying for me and the other area coordinators who will be attending.  We'd love to have you join in praying, too.

I'm praying especially for those who are coming to this conference feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, and ready to quit.  I'm asking God to speak to them in these days as He did to me in 2011 and to affirm their calling.

I'm also asking God to use me to encourage someone this week.  I figure if I focus on that maybe I won't be tempted to fall to defeat myself.

And what makes me so prone to discouragement at these conferences anyway?  I've thought a lot about this today and I really feel my signature sin of pride is at the heart of it--along with a good dose of fear.  The pride makes me shrink back when I'm not achieving (notice that 'me' and 'I' in there?)  Comparing myself to others instead of rejoicing in how God works in my team always causes trouble.  And the fear?  Well 'dis'couragement comes when my faith falters and I lose courage.

Okay...well, the dryer just finished so it's time to iron the last items and get packed.  I'll let you know all about how God connects me to Him and to other OCC volunteers in just a few days.

1 comment:

  1. Kind of symbolic that you start this "journey" on Ash Wednesday. I am sorry the conference is not in Durham or Raleigh and therefore close enough for us to connect. Blessings good friend.
