Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Life of David--Part 3 -- Dr. Ross Rhoads

Before we left the Operation Christmas Child Connect Conference last Sunday morning, Dr. Ross Rhoads gifted us with his third installment of the life of David.  This was based on 2 Samuel 7:18-29 concerning the heart of David

There are two parts of the body God is especially interested in--
--the feet (our walk)
--the head (our thoughts)

But the heart is a combination of action and thinking.

David was "A man after God's heart."  What is God's heart?  What is in your heart?

types of hearts--
--hard heart = comes from being taught without absorbing the teaching
--stony heart = cluttered; more ground based than heaven based
--proud heart = "I" is in the middle of pride
--faint heart = beat up and tired
--turned heart = turned away from God to evil
--clean heart = Psalm 51 "Create in my a clean heart"  (The word 'create' here is the word used for creation=God making something only He can make.)
--perfect heart = David walked with a perfect (complete) heart.  David used perfect (smooth) stones to kill Goliath (he had 5 stones=1 for Goliath and 1 for each of Goliath's 4 brothers)
--obedient heart = Mary only gave 1 commandment.  She pointed to Jesus and said "Do whatever He says."
--whole heart = give ALL your heart;  What else would we do but serve God with ALL our heart?  The people in Bible times had a little blue fringe on their clothing to remind them to follow God.

In 2 Samuel 7:21 David prays, "For the sake of Your word, and according to Your own heart, You have done all this greatness to let Your servant know."

Most of all, we want to be people who know God's heart.

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