Monday, September 3, 2012

Back To School Again

Tomorrow I go back to school.  Again.  I made it through a 5-day week last week and I have to say that whoever decided it would be good to start the school year with a 5-day week ending with a full moon was.....wrong.

After this 3-day holiday weekend it's a little tough to think about returning to the schedule.  I have a list of calls I need to make for Operation Christmas Child, GO boxes that need to be picked up at a church that's an hour drive away, and plans to make for an Operation Christmas Child display table at a 2-day craft fair next weekend that's an hour and a half away in the opposite direction.

And then I think how it's all about children--our future.  Though I have no young children in my personal life right now, my work days are filled with three schools' worth of them.  Why is it that it's so much easier to pray for children on the other side of the world than for the ones who walk into my health room every day--sometimes again and again?

I don't want to be so preoccupied with those who are distant that I don't have time for those in my immediate life right now.

I want to welcome children the way Jesus welcomed them--the ones from my neighborhood and my schools as well as the ones on other continents.

And I have another chance to do that tomorrow.  Because I'm going back to school.


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