Saturday, April 7, 2012

It's Saturday

It's Saturday--the day suspended between the beautiful grief of Good Friday and the joyful miracle of the resurrection on Easter Sunday.

It's a day of waiting, and I wonder how the followers of Christ felt as they waited on that day hundreds of years ago.

I'm in a waiting place, too, in my Operation Christmas Child life. I'm waiting in what Mannion called "The Land Between"--that place of prayer and longing--knowing God will provide but not having sight of it yet.

Today I sorted 80 stuffed animals I purchased at a rummage sale and over 300 more that were donated but still I wait on God to provide more than 17,000 more. I'm waiting for toothpaste and soap and crayons and paper and nice filler toys.

I'm waiting for my Operation Christmas Child area team to become fully functioning according to the High Impact Model. I'm waiting for God to bring the volunteers He is calling to this ministry in Northwestern PA and I'm waiting for them to say "yes" to the call.

You can see from the 'Chip In' widget at the top of the page that God has done great things for our collection for baby formula and bottles for needy babies in Haiti. But I want to close this account tomorrow and I'm waiting for a few more hundred dollars to get to the goal.

If you want to help, you can click on the link above to donate to my PayPal acccount or you can click here to go to the One Mission Society site to donate via credit card or for info on writing a check. If you do this, be sure to put a memo on your donation that is is for OMS--Bethesda Medical Clinic in Haiti and specify it is for baby formula and bottles.

I have faith that Sunday's coming but right now it's Saturday,,,

and I'm waiting.

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