Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bagging It

Sometimes my Operation Christmas Child life finds me doing the strangest things.  I spent almost a full day of my spring break sorting, folding, and organizing used trash bags.

I know.  Weird.

These bags were left over from last year's large community-wide OCC packing party.  They were used to hold stuffed animals that were separated into groups of 100 per Force Flex trash bag with a pink label attached for girls and a blue label attached for those suitable for boys or either gender.

At the end of the packing party they were stuffed into bins and there I was, 6 months later, finally folding and organizing them so they can be reused.

I figured out that buying all new ones would cost more than $75.00--money better spent on buying soap and toothpaste--so it's worth recycling them.   Some of them had small tears but nothing that a strip of tape wouldn't fix.

As I folded them I prayed over them, asking God to fill them up with all the huggable toys we need by September 29th.

We have about 27 bags full (2700) in the Ark (storage container) already so we're only trusting God for 17,300 more.

Right now I'm working on a memory verse for a class at church--John 16:24 "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.  Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete."

I'm asking, Lord.

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