I spent this morning at Asbury United Methodist Church in Waterford, PA where Lejla Allison was invited to speak. Lejla received a shoe box as an 11-year-old girl in Bosnia in 1993 and came to know the Lord through that box.
She was asked to speak here and made the drive with her husband and two children from their home four hours away. She was only given 10 minutes to speak in each morning service and 45 minutes to speak during Sunday school. I was amazed at her attitude after traveling all that way to speak so briefly--she told those in attendance that if their hearts were open to God they could hear from Him in only a minute and if they weren't she could speak to them for hours and it wouldn't make a difference.
Though I've heard Lejla's amazing testimony before, I was struck anew by something she said today. She wasn't saved by 8 million boxes; she was saved by ONE box--by one box that one person took the time to pack and pray over.
Even though Lejla traveled a long way and didn't get to speak to many people today nor for very long, she spoke tremendous encouragement to me.
I am renewing my efforts to pack more boxes. Because EVERY box is THE box for one more child.