"The Lord loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of His unfailing love." Psalm 33:5 "But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love." Psalm 33:18
I've been thinking a lot since I read these verses yesterday about the 'unfailing' love of God. From a human standpoint unfailing love is incomprehensible. I can't even imagine that kind of love--a love that never fails despite my own frquent failures.
But I don't think I've ever seen more evidence in my own life of God's unfailing love than I have through working with Operation Christmas Child. Nearly every day I am amazed by God's provision, by His answers to my feeble prayers, by constant reminders of His extravagant and specific care for me. He's a God who answers my prayers--for ball pumps, for cheap soap, for large orders of crayons, for the chance to be in a specific store when items go on clearance.
God's care is evidence of His unfailing love. I Peter 5:7 reminds me to "cast all (my) cares upon Him because He cares for (me)." He cares that I need 13,400 more stuffed animals, and He cared enough to give me a huge garbage bag full of pristine ones at a rummage sale just last evening. He cares that I'm concerned about Samaritan's Purse getting enough donations to cover the cost of shipping all these Operation Christmas Child boxes. He cares that the right people are recruited and selected and equipped and developed on the Northwestern PA Operation Christmas Child area team.
I'm reminded of a little song I used to sing at camp when I was young--and still sing when I need to be reminded of God's unfailing love.
How strong and sweet my Father's care
That 'round about me like the air
Is with me always, everywhere.
He cares for me.
The thought great wonder with it brings,
My cares are all such little things,
Yet to the truth my glad heart clings,
He cares for me.
Oh keep me ever in Your love,
Dear Father watching from above,
And as through life my steps shall move,
Oh care for me.
Oh Father help me then each day
To follow always Your good way
And show in all I do or say
Your care for me.
God cares for you and for me. And His love is unfailing.
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