Two years ago one of my first blog posts featured this picture and it was titled "Waiting". The post was about my trip to help distribute Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes in the Dominican Republic and how the idea of 'waiting' seemed to be the theme of that trip for me. Two years later I am still driven by the fact that so many children are waiting to hear of God's love through a simple shoebox.
But on this day between Good Friday and Easter morning, I'm thinking of another kind of waiting. Waiting for God. Can you imagine how the disciples must have felt on that 'day between'? They thought of all Jesus' talk of resurrection but all they could remember was the sight of Him on the cross (or at least the thought of it since most of them deserted Him there). Where was their hope? What were they thinking as they waited?
In my high school French class we read (in French, of course) Samuel Beckett's play "Waiting For Godot"--an Existentialist's classic about two men waiting for Godot (God) who never shows up. Our God, though, is not a god who doesn't show up. Our God is a God who is HERE--always.
So often it seems like I'm waiting for Him to show up with what I need--stuffed animals and pencils and crayons and volunteers and a myriad of other things I feel I need to get to the goal of packing thousands of Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. But the fact is still true that in the midst of my waiting He is always HERE. And He is also with every child who waits to receive a shoebox and hear of His love.
On this 'day between', God, I thank You that You, our omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent God, are always HERE.
Amen and amen!