Friday, December 28, 2012

Throwing In The Towel

Shopping for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes is an ongoing affair.  I'm always looking for bargains but am sometimes disappointed when the stores in my area don't have the items that other OCC volunteers report finding.

After my husband got the 8 inches of snow shoveled off the driveway yesterday I headed out to a few more Dollar Tree stores to buy more pencils on sale.  But I couldn't find any.

Then I went to Walmart in search of the washcloths in holiday colors that other OCC volunteers had reported finding on sale for only $2.00 for a pack of 18.  Unfortunately, I didn't find those, either.

I remember hearing of a former shoebox recipient who told of being so excited when he got a washcloth in his box.  He said that he had to share a towel with a number of other children in his orphanage and when he got a washcloth it was like having his own little towel.

As I said, I didn't find any washcloths yesterday, but while combing the bath section of Walmart I did find 6 of these full-size heavy white towels for only $1.00 each.   Maybe someone out there is just waiting for a towel of his own.

I think the key is to always be on the lookout for good deals, buy anything you find (as long as it's not on the 'inappropriate items list') and then pray for God to get it to the child who needs it.

Today I didn't leave my house.  Yet God still blessed me with shoe box items as my OCC team member, Cindy Kerchoff, just showed up at my door with 5 bags of stuffed animals.

The next time I'm tempted to throw in the towel I just need to remember God's goodness.

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