Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wednesday Wondering

I'm it really only Wednesday? The packing party prep is moving forward faster than ever. Today we got two more truck deliveries of items stored off-site. First the pod containing stuffed animals that were stored in Kit's living room all year arrived.  We're talking a couple hundred bags of stuffed animals.

We wanted to get the pod emptied ASAP and get the truck driver back on his way so a brigade of volunteers quickly hauled all the bags and lined them up along the walkway to the church. Then, once the pod was empty we carried them all inside and placed them in the appropriate areas. Whew! Big job done.

In the afternoon the semi with seven pallets of water bottles and safety sunglasses arrived. I said out loud, "Who ordered so MANY of these things?" I think we have way too many water bottles for this year's boxes so we stored 2/3 of them in our storage container. It was hot, the boxes were heavier than I anticipated, and I was really glad to see that last pallet unloaded.

The volunteer pool was smaller in the morning except for the hour when we had 18 students from a local high school join us for part of their 9/11 Service Day. During that time I had a great time talking with a young student who was sitting by herself and told me she's new in her school. She wants to come back on the weekend and I pray she can do that.

In the evening things really picked up and we filled not only the gym and youth rooms but another classroom with box folding volunteers and by the end of the day we had nearly 20,000 boxes folded.  They are two rows deep in the halls and 3 rows deep in the youth room and classroom. Crazy!

In the evening we did our daily Jericho prayer march around the building and it was sweet to have so many youth with us.

I'm glad we don't need to wonder if God hears our prayers and we can't wait to see how He's going to answer them in the days ahead.

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