Sunday, February 11, 2018

Prayer Tokens

I've been a little distracted from my shoebox life lately by this sweet blessing packed in the shoebox picture above. I was blessed this week to spend a few days with him and will return this week to do the same.

There's something about holding a miracle for a few hours while you pray that takes your focus from fears and doubts miracles!

While I prayed over this little guy in recent days I thought about all the prayers we prayed over the past few years.  And I looked at the bassinet he sleeps in that I bought as a prayer token.

Over the years there have been a dozen or so items I've purchased as prayer tokens--things I bought in faith that would be used when my prayers were answered.

More than 40 years ago I bought a little girls' necklace as I prayed for my friend to conceive a child. As we prayed, she and her husband felt called to adopt and when they went to the airport in New York City to meet their little girl arriving from Korea they took the necklace with them to give to her as a first gift.  Interestingly, by that time she was also pregnant with their first biological child--also a girl.

Decades later I gave another baby necklace to  a mother praying for a baby, and she also conceived and gave birth to a beautiful girl.

In the past decade I've also given a number of brides' Bibles to young women as I prayed for God to bring them Christian husbands.  Some of them have become brides and some have not. Still, the prayers continue.

By the summer of 2016 my daughter had already suffered the pain of two miscarriages, and, of course, I was praying. At a yard sale I spotted this bassinet at a great price.  It was the largest prayer token I'd ever bought, but I brought it home, took it to the attic, and prayed over it.

And a year a half later, God filled it...

with our "Rainbow Baby"

There are tokens out there still being prayed over, and there are also prayers being prayed daily with no tokens in sight.  Whether my prayers are answered the way I want them to be, I know they are always answered. I know God is always good.

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