Sunday, May 21, 2017

Power and PowerPoint

Today we had our first Project Leader Event of the three we have planned for the season.  Yeah, the batteries died on the "O" and "C" of our display sign...and Amanda (our Church Relations Coordinator) had her car battery die also.

Despite the losses of power, I was praising God the PowerPoint ran fine.  I didn't set it up myself, mind you...maybe one of these days.

Anywhoooo...I'm glad to get the event behind us. I mean, I enjoy it when I finally get there. How could you NOT enjoy spending time with other shoebox enthusiasts.  It's the anticipation and the planning (or not enough planning) and assembling all the things you need to take and loading the car. Other than that...

I feel like we did everything we could. We had invitations sent from the regional office. We sent emails to all our churches.  And this week Amanda called all the churches who brought their boxes to the drop-off site where the event was held.

And we had a perfect number of seven guests come.  On the positive side, that's a 40% increase over the five who came to last summer's event.  And when you add in our three team members and four kiddos--it makes a nice fourteen.

The people who came are already passionate shoebox project leaders.  I hope they learned a few new things.  Other than the PowerPoint that OCC developed for the occasion I was able to re-enact the role play I saw at the Connect Conference using the Presentation Brochure to more fully explain Operation Christmas Child to pastors or leaders.  Maybe it will be useful for those who came.

Many of my OCC friends are in Rwanda right now distributing those precious shoeboxes. Those great distributions could not take place without people packing boxes.  And maybe today's event, small as it seemed,  means more children will get a box next year.

We got three new prayer partners today (woohoo!) and maybe these sweet kids will become project leaders themselves in a few decades.

After all, we serve a powerful God.  And you just never know...

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