Friday, March 15, 2019

A-maz-ing Grace

At our last meeting we studied God's goodness and challenged our OCC team to read this verse every day.  Psalm 84:11 "For the Lord God is a sun and shield. The Lord gives grace and glory. No good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly."

It's crazy to think the God of the universe wants to bless me and you, but it's true.

This week I saw His grace in a unique answer to prayer. Before I went to visit my daughter Julie and her family in Chicago last weekend I prayed that I'd be able to bless her in some way.  While I was there she was telling me about a Little Tikes toy they have at the physical therapy office where she takes our little grandson. The therapist uses the sounds of the toy to encourage him to turn his head and loosen the muscles in his neck.

Julie wanted to buy this toy, but the therapist said, "Oh, that's probably eight years old. I doubt you can find it now."  I asked Julie to describe it to me but not having actually seen it I couldn't really picture what it looked like.  While I was there I did an Internet search and checked eBay all to no avail.

Fast forward a few days to this Wednesday when I went to a local thrift store in search of stuffed animals. When my animal hunt was over I browsed the few toys on the shelf and found this one. It was a Little Tikes toy and it had various sounds. Could this be the one?  Well, it had a .50 price tag but toys were "Buy One Get One Free" so I picked up another toy and got them both for .50.

When I got home I texted this picture to my daughter and asked, "Is this by any chance the toy they have at physical therapy?"

A few minutes later I got the reply, "Yes!! How did you do that?!"

I didn't do that. It was an answer to prayer. Another example of God's A-MAZ-ING grace. Today I put the toy in the mail and hope it will be a blessing. It's sure a reminder to me of God's goodness. Oh, and by the way I checked the other toy I picked up and found out it sells on Amazon for $39.99.


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