Sunday, April 29, 2012


I love this quote from Billy Graham because it's clear from his life that while he felt he was just watching what God was doing, Mr. Graham was also clearly obedient to what God was asking him to do as well.

As I depend on God for this Operation Christmas Child journey I feel that tension between trust and obedience.  I fully know this is God's work but at the same time I don't want to miss participating in His work by not being obedient to His calling.

Case in point:  the Stuffed Animal Saga.  I've been reminding myself of how God's provided in the past.   Last year at this time I was asking God to provide enough items for 15,000 boxes and, instead, He provided for 17,777.

So this year we're asking for enough to fill 20,000 but for some reason lately the number seems so big.  As the risk of sounding like the 10 spies who were afraid to conquer the Promised Land, I find myself doing the math and realizing God would need to provide 786 stuffed animals every single week between now and September 29th to bring us to our goal.

Am I missing doing something He wants me to do?  Should I be making more contacts with schools who could collect stuffed animals?  I don't know.  But in the meantime I'm going to keep doing what I know I can do each day.

I'll keep receiving donations and sorting them and hauling them.  And I'll keep praying.  And I'll keep remembering God's faithfulness.

I'm going to keep watching Him do what only He can do.


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